Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Yes, I've known about LibraryThing for quite some time. No, I've never used it... until now. Why not? Believe it or not, I'm a librarian who doesn't own a ton of books. Why buy when you can borrow? Most of the books I own are those that were given to me as gifts. I never felt like two bookcases justified cataloging. For example, I opened a LibraryThing account and realized that I only own one of the five books that I added to my catalog.

Even though I don't plan on cataloging my books, I do plan on using the suggester. In my opinion, it's a huge improvement over Literature Map and similar reader's advisory tools from Novelist and other literature databases. Based on the book Little Children by Tom Perotta the suggester says that I might like The Myth of You and Me by Leah Stewart, a book that I've always thought about reading, but never got around to. Maybe I'll give it a try.


PandaLibrarian said...

Hi Mary,

Congratulations on your LibraryThing account! I'm like you - I don't own a lot of books as I borrow most of mine. However, I do keep a log/journal of all the books that I've read (and have been since 1997). I've stopped keeping a written log and gone to using LibraryThing for my reading list. Here's a link to my catalog ( I own some of the books, but most of them are just books I've read. Check out the 2007 Book List tag for what I've read so far this year.

I also enjoyed your Flickr blog posting - great photo!

Keep up the good work - you're almost there! Keep on playing...


Pinky said...

Keeping a book log on LibraryThing is a great idea. I have a pink notebook that I keep my lists in (organized by year). But I kinda see myself still having to keep a paper list and then entering them in LibraryThing when I get online, which is a bit redundant.

Anonymous said...

I've been saying "I should keep a journal of every book I read" for the last 9 years... but I still haven't started that journal yet. Well, today's the day! Thanks for the great ideas