Friday, October 5, 2007

Google Reader vs. Bloglines

I'm already familiar with RSS feeds because I use Google reader. Just for the heck of it, I opened a bloglines account too. I think I'll stick with Google reader- like the layout much better, but at least now I know what else is out there.

I'm enjoying the library related blogs that I found through the project play blogroll. These are a few of my favorite non-library, non-book related blogs:


PandaLibrarian said...

Hi Mary,

I'm glad you took the opportunity to compare the two different RSS aggregators. I haven't tried Google Reader as I started with Bloglines. I just switched to their Beta version which I like pretty well.

Thanks for the new blogs - can't wait to check them out!

Keep on playing!


Pinky said...

Hi Mary,

Your blog is looking very fancy, and I love the Amateur Gourmet, too!

katie said...

Mary - what a person after my own heart: grammar and food! I'm there.